Nine Lessons From the Heavenly Sanctuary

1. God is the judge and not man.

2. Jesus is our mediator and not a pastor, priest, or pope.

3. Jesus died once for all–no reoccurring mass as atonement for sin.

4. God judges from the mercy seat where mercy triumphs over condemnation for those written in the book of life.

5. Sins are blotted out of the record by the blood of the lamb.

6. The wheat and tares (sheep and goats) will be separated. Only those who trust in Christ alone for salvation will remain in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

7. The verdict of the final judgment is “No Condemnation” for those who trust in the merits of Christ, and “Condemnation” for those who reject Christ and the free gift of salvation.

8. The Saints will not be judged by their works, but by the works of Christ who lived a sinless life and died a perfect sacrifice.

9. One day, prior to the second coming of Christ, probation will close and the records will be sealed making it impossible for the wicked to repent and be saved. The righteous will be sealed for eternity in the kingdom of God.

Stephen Beagles (2017)