I have learned over the years that most Christians use the same words to explain biblical doctrines: Salvation, Grace, Faith, Obedience, etc. The problem is that many have attached different meanings to the words they use to describe Christian beliefs.
Different word definitions often leads to confusion for new believers who are interested in learning more of what the Bible teaches. Defining the terms that we use to describe our beliefs is often necessary for the sake of clarity and correct understanding of the Bible.
What does it mean when Christians use the term Salvation? What does it mean to be saved by the blood of Jesus? The word Salvation means that believers are saved from the punishment of sin. Once we acknowledge our disobedience before God and ask His forgiveness, we are given the promise of eternal life in heaven.
Salvation may also have other meanings depending on the context in which it is being used, but primarily it describes our being saved from eternal death. Christians have the promise of eternal life.
Those who trust that Jesus died for their sins have the assurance of life after death. Jesus paid the penalty for sin, and heaven is offered as a free gift to those who receive Christ as their substitute. This is the good news of salvation. This is the message of Christ to the world. We should never worry about being good enough for heaven–we are not! What matters most is Christ was good enough to be the perfect sacrifice for sin.
Do you have the assurance of Salvation?
–Stephen Beagles