The Message of the Cross for the year 2020

We are living in unprecedented times full of nuclear weapons, satellites, space ships, and smart phones. We are living in the last paragraph of the last chapter of earth’s history.

We may be alive to see Jesus return. The only way to endure to the end is to focus on Jesus and His death on the cross. This is not a theological exercise but a spiritual meditation designed to release the power of God in our hearts to overcome evil. RevĀ 12:11

The death of Christ reminds us of the justice of God and His refusal to change one iota of the law to release us from the curse of death. Instead, He sent His son to fulfill the law to give us a way of escape.

The death of Christ reminds us of the love of God who was willing to sacrifice His only Son to release us from eternal death. God is a God of self-sacrificing love. We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

The death of Christ remind us of our call to sacrifice our lives for Christ in the same way that Christ sacrificed His life for us. God understands our sufferings as Christ endured the worst of the suffering for us. He is our example.

“Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29

Stephen Beagles (2020)

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