Messianic Fulfillment of Sanctuary Types and Shadows
When Christ was crucified the veil that separated the Holy from the Most Holy Place was torn in two. This meant that the entire sanctuary became the Most Holy Place and there was no longer any barrier to the presence of God. This explains how Christ entered the Holy Places (Sanctuary) at His ascension. Christians have had access to the Most Holy place since Christ began his priestly ministry in heaven. He is the inner veil through which we must all pass to commune with the Father.
“Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;” Hebrews 10:19-20
End Time Fulfillment of the Day of Atonement
In keeping with the Historicist view of Daniel and Revelation, and the Day of Atonement Imagery of Leviticus, we see Jesus beginning His ministry in the sanctuary by allowing all people an opportunity to seek the free gift of His righteousness. Salvation is available for all who believe and He places the robe of righteousness around those who enter the Most Holy Place and into the presence of the Father.
In 1844 a final warning was issued to humanity about the day of atonement. Probation would soon close and preparations should be made to endure the final tribulation and end-time deception of anti-Christ. Once probation closes then the opportunity for salvation is withdrawn from the world. Only those who accept the gift of salvation prior to the close of probation are sealed and prepared to endure the final test of loyalty to God
This message is sounded three times by three angels with each one increasing the intensity of alarm until the day the door of mercy is closed to the wicked. The Pre-Advent judgement books are sealed and only those who have placed their full assurance of salvation in the merits of Christ alone will remain in the Lamb’s book of Life.
At this point a special grace is granted to the saints that will allow them to reflect the Character of Christ in its fullness. Those who endure the final testing of tribulation will remain alive until the second coming. During the resurrection of the dead in Christ there will be a flash of glory that will bring perfection to imperfection and immortality to our mortal bodies. Our bodies will be changed and glorified prior to entrance into the heavenly kingdom.
Those rescued from the earth will live with Christ for 1000 years and will pour over the books of judgment to understand why God has damned the wicked. At the end of the 1000 years God will destroy the wicked, the devil and his angels, and restore the earth to its original perfection and beauty. This concludes the day of atonement phase of the sanctuary. The entire universe will be cleansed of sin, suffering, and death.
Join me with proclaiming the message of the free gift of salvation available to all who accept Jesus into their heart. We must also warn the world against rejecting the love of God. The day of Mercy is running short and no one knows when the door of probation will close against the wicked.
Accept Jesus into your heart today!
Stephen Beagles (2020)
Incredible site! Thank you for doing this. I think it is a great resource for anyone who is seeking truth and a closer walk with the Father!