Yes, truth exists and it is possible to know right from wrong. Being an expert on the Bible doesn’t grant a person infallibility, but a heart full of the Holy Spirit will have a divine interpreter waiting to guide a person into the truth. (John 16:3)
Nothing is more disheartening than to be faced with a wide range of opinions in the world and to be persecuted for standing up for what you know as truth. The only way to overcome this is to accept the Bible as the word of God and to follow it closely. The power of the truth will comfort the afflicted and will afflict the comfortable. To wage war against the devil we need to confront his lies with the truth of God’s word.
The Breast Plate of Righteousness
The truth of God’s word will always lead us to a knowledge of righteousness by faith. As a breast plate covers the vital organs, the truth of the gospel will shield us from self-righteousness and pride. It reminds us of our natural weakness apart from the righteousness that Christ offers as a gift for all who place their trust in Him. Even though we are weak on the inside, we are made strong as we trust in the breastplate of His righteousness.
Feet Fitted with the gospel of Peace
When God calls us into His army, He issues the gear that we will need to survive the rough and rugged terrain of our sinful environment. He calls us to take the gospel to every part of the world. A sturdy boot that protects our feet is essential for traveling long distance over land. A knowledge of the gospel of peace is essential to accomplishing our mission.
The Shield of Faith
Doubt is the preferred weapon of our enemy. If the devil can get us to doubt the word of God then he has us in his grasp. When ever we are exposed to the lies of Satan we must extinguish them by refusing to doubt the truth of God’s word. We must allow ourselves to study differences of thought and opinion, but it is essential to become more familiar with the truth. Exercise genuine faith in the promises of God. Refuse to doubt.
The Helmet of Salvation
We must never go anywhere in battle without our helmet. It is designed to protect our brain in the event of a bullet or an explosion. The deep and holy assurance of salvation will help to protect our minds from the deadly deceptions of the evil one. If we lose that assurance for even a second then we might be impacted and subjected to eternal loss. We are not safe for a second without the helmet of Salvation.
The Sword of the Spirit
This is our only offensive weapon. The word of God must be proclaimed. The word of God itself is powerful enough to neutralize error. We should never argue or debate with the devil, but we should be ready to answer all charges with a plain thus saith the Lord. The word of God is powerful and must be presented accurately There is nothing more powerful than the truth of the gospel to win souls for Christ.
(to be continued…)
Stephen Beagles (2020)