Pride is the deadliest of all sins. It blinds the minds of those who cherish it and eats away at a Christ-like character like spiritual acid. Those full of spiritual pride do the most evil in the name of what is good. They do not realise the nature of their true condition. By looking down on others, they lose sight of Jesus and sink further into the murky waters of egotistical pride and self-righteousness.
The poor in spirit recognize the extent of their spiritual poverty. They look away from self to their savior. They do not look down on others lest they lose sight of the one who offers them forgiveness and grace. The poor in spirit have the promise of heaven, not because of what they do, but because of what Christ has done by shedding His blood for their sins. They stand before God in the shame of their spiritual nakedness that they may obtain the priceless gift of the perfect righteousnes of Christ by simple faith.
Stephen Beagles (2025)