After 40 years of studying Adventism, I have concluded that Gospel Adventism is the most consistent and logical application of the SDA doctrines.
1. Jesus was born with a sinless nature. He was the only sinless human to ever exist.
2. Christ’s primary mission was to be the ultimate and final sacrifice for all sin. He died once for all.
3. The only condition for eternal life in heaven is simple faith in Christ alone. Salvation is a free gift bought with the blood of Christ. We are declared 100 percent righteous by faith apart from the works of the law.
4. Those who trust Christ for salvation have the verdict of the final judgement-not condemned. We have assurance of salvation as we trust His word.
5. The final test will be about staying true to the gospel of righteousness by faith alone. The literal sabbath reminds us of the spiritual rest we have in Jesus. Those who declare allegience to any other Gospel recieve the Mark of the Beast.
6. After the close of probation for planet earth there is no more hope for the wicked who have rejected Christ. Christians must keep their faith or suffer the same consequences as those who never had faith.
7. The day of atonement ends when the entire earth is made new. Sin, suffering, and death are erased from the universe. ALL who are in heaven will live in perfect obedience to the eternal law of God.
I once had a high school teacher who would quiz us after assigning us reading material. He would ask us questions from the study material and listen to our answers. If we did not sound confident with our response he would ask, “Would you bet your life on it?”
I can safely declare that I know Gospel Adventism is true. And yes, I would bet my life on it.
Stephen Beagles (2025)