The only things we know about God is what He reveals to us.
At times God may reveal something that is a mystery to us. Human logic cannot understand the oneness versus the trinity of God. God’s soverignty versus human freewill is a mystery. God’s knowledge of future events without them being predetermined has been debated by top scholars for centuries.
But this only proves the limitation of human reason when compared to the infinite knowlege and wisdom of God.
If humans created God then he would be understood by us, but since God created us we must humbly bow before Him and submit to His revelation of Himself.
This is why the Bible tells us to have faith and not to lean on our human understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6).We may end up with more questions than answers, but we can trust that God, who is infinite in all things, will never lead us astray.
Stephen Beagles (2025)