“And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14, NLT
The BAD NEWS is that every human being is under a death penalty and we cannot save ourselves from this ultimate end. The gospel is the “good news” about Jesus who died in our place and was resurrected to grant us the free gift of eternal life in the Kingdom of God. The only thing we can do is receive the gift and maintain our loving faith in Jesus.
The GOOD NEWS is salvation is a free gift for all who believe in Jesus as their savior and do not attempt to add to the gospel by placing conditions on salvation other than simple faith in Christ.
The inward transformation is a result of the gospel message being internalized and accepted by faith. Obedience done by the power of the Holy Spirit is a blessing of salvation, but does not add or take away from the promise of eternal life.
The final judgment for Christians will determine our rewards in the eternal kingdom and not our punishments. Our salvation is secured as long as we keep our trust in Christ despite the suffering and sacrifice that come with living in this evil world.
~Stephen Beagles
Ray Mann
I always remember the ABC’s of Salvation. “Admit our need”…the Bad News. “Believe in the work of Jesus Christ”…the Good News. And “Confess Jesus Christ as your savior”…His work in and through us to God’s glory. Very good article! Thanks!
Shamea Ministries
Thanks Ray, praise God for your words of encouragement. May God bless you Brother. 🙂